Jimmy Cash for Cars owns and operates this website; throughout this Internet Privacy Policy, we will refer to ourselves in the first person. You are agreeing to the Internet Privacy Policy of this website (“the website”), as outlined on this website’s page, by using this website. Depending on how you interact with the website, you may voluntarily provide us with personal information, which is covered by the Internet Privacy Policy.
This Internet Privacy Policy may be updated, revised, supplemented, or even entirely rescinded at any moment in our sole discretion. If there are already terms and conditions for using this website, this Internet Privacy Policy is in addition to those. The inclusion of any external link does not constitute an endorsement of the linked site by us.
We understand the need of maintaining the confidentiality of information about our website users, especially that which can be used to identify a specific individual (“personal information”). Access to and use of any personally identifiable information collected from you through this website is subject to this Internet Privacy Policy. You should check back from time to time to make sure you’re aware of any updates to this Internet Privacy Policy. All suggestions and criticisms are appreciated.
On this site, any mention of a particular automobile’s trademark, trade name, or other Proprietary identifier is purely for illustrative purposes. Instant Cash For Cars is independent of all brand manufacturers.

Data Relating to Individuals

We only collect personally identifiable information from those who consciously and actively provide it. If you seek additional services, have questions, or want us to convey your questions, we may need to collect this kind of data. To ensure that your personal information is always handled in accordance with Australian privacy regulations, we have drafted this policy.

Information Applications

If we collect personally identifiable information from you at our website, we will use it only for the stated reason or for a secondary purpose that is directly related to the stated purpose, unless we notify you otherwise in this Internet Privacy Policy or at the time of collection. For the sake of posterity and redundancy, we maintain copies of any email exchanges sent from the site, including those that may contain personally identifiable information.


We may disclose personal information when we have reason to believe that disclosing such information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against anyone who may be causing damage to, injury to, or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities, except where such disclosure is required to achieve the purpose for which it was submitted or where you have consented to such disclosure. In addition, we may share sensitive information if we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to comply with the law. Sometimes we’ll hire other companies to help us serve you better. We may share your information with those third parties in order to provide the products or services you’ve requested.


Every effort is made to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of your data during transmission to our sites, and we regularly review and update our security procedures to account for new threats and countermeasures. Regrettably, there is no foolproof method of transmitting data via the Internet. While we cannot guarantee the security of any information you give to us or obtain through our online products or services, we will make every effort to protect such data. We will also do all in our power to keep your transmission safe once we receive it and store it in our systems. Further, all of our employees and any outside contractors who may have access to personal information as a result of their work on our information systems are bound by contractual obligations of confidentiality. However, we cannot be held accountable for anything that happens as a result of an unauthorized third party gaining access to your personal data.


Web sites often save bits of information (called cookies) on a user’s computer for later use. It is common practice for websites, including ours, to utilize a feature called “cookies” that allows users to more easily navigate and use the site over time. We can tailor the website to your preferences with their help. Most browsers make it easy to turn off the Cookie feature if you don’t want to enable them to collect information on your computer. To offer you with certain of our online services, however, Cookies may be required.

Information Access

Any personal information we collect from you is kept in a safe environment, and we do our best to ensure its accuracy and currency. Contact us if you ever find any inaccuracies in your personal information, and we will do our best to make the necessary changes. In addition, we have procedures in place to ensure that all employees and contractors who deal with our information systems are bound to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information kept by us.
We connect out to other websites, both within the internet and to the websites of third parties. We have no say over the content or policies of the sites we link to, and as such, we cannot be held liable for their actions. We suggest you review the other site’s privacy policy and terms of service before submitting any personal information to it.

Investigations or Questions

We will consider seriously any complaints or difficulties that have been raised throughout time regarding our websites and will do our best to address them. If you have any additional questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you have any problems or complaints, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Extra Data Security Requirements. You may learn more about privacy concerns and how to safeguard your information by checking out the website of the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner. https://www.oaic.gov.au/